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Small Disclaimer Before We Begin
I have to make this disclaimer before I begin. This article is really meant to help me focus on completing tasks, but if it helps you too, that makes me happy. Also, I have no scientific proof, just life proof to figure out how to get beyond myself. The only thing standing in my way, is ME!

What Type of Person Are You?
How do You Focus Best?
First you have to determine what type of person you are. My husband and my brains work completely differently. Thank goodness we figured that out early on in our marriage, or I don’t think we’d have made it 36 years as of next month. He is a creative thinker, a sales person, very focused on the goals. He makes a list, is very structured and goes about his task and gets it done. If something happens and he doesn’t make it happen, he only blames himself. He holds himself totally accountable. Wow, that is true will power, and I hope to get to that point someday! I am sure I have an excuse for that too!
I am more of an analytical thinker. Which means what my hubby can figure out in minutes, map out and start on something, it can take me days. I am being totally honest here, so let me continue on this path. Typically, I have an idea, then I take myself through all of the steps. Here is an example of how my brain works: Today I knew I wanted to get back into actively writing on my blog. I have been really busy with health issues, moving, and now renovating a house. (Excuse #1). I need to focus more and make less excuses!

A Perfect Example of How I Self-Sabotage
The other day, my daughter pointed out that when someone is on my site using their phone, they would rather have the recipe ingredients and directions side by side. My first thought today was “I really need to get back to writing posts on my blog”. My second thought was, “what do I need to do to go back through all of my recipes and add this today?” My third thought was “exhaustion”. (Self-Sabotage) (Grandiose plans) (Totally derailed myself, yet again).
Block This Caller – I Need to Focus
Luckily, I have learned to recognize my “Avoidance Strategies”, block them, and try to regain my focus. It’s not easy, and you have to learn to recognize these in your world. So, let’s meet my brain’s “friends”: Excuses, Avoidance Strategies, Overwhelmed Easily, Too Analytical, Too Detailed, Over the Top. My brain loves to go hang out with these guys.

The Beauty of My Brain, Spotlight Goals
You know that saying, “putting the cart before the horse?” That is my brain in action. Every single project I tackle has to be completely figured out step by step. (As a side note, that is also how I tell my “Sherri Stories”, that’s a topic for another day!) In theory, it’s not a bad trait to have, it just exhausts everyone around me. And always causes me to become completely overwhelmed. So, what do I do to prevent my brain from going there? I have learned to recognize when my brain is being too analytical and stop myself from going there.

Analysis Paralysis – Focus on the Goal
How do I keep myself from falling out of focus and staying on task? By saying to myself, “Whoa now, you are exercising “Avoidance Strategy #59”. Or, whatever number I decide for that day. It’s not easy, but it does get me out of the loop my brain wants to put me through. Case in point, to get this this article written and published, I told my brain to “knock it off, I will deal with the recipe issues eventually”,” but they have nothing to do with writing this post today. Set a target to get your focus back on track.
Except that it gave me the content idea to write this post and move forward with getting work done on my blog. I could give you way more examples of how I sabotage myself by going way over the top, my blog is a great example. I have so many different categories on here. But, I am okay with that. Working on several things at once is how I function the best. Without the crazy array of projects, I am involved with, I wouldn’t know what to do with myself!

One More Target Slightly Missed
This article was written on Monday, it is now Friday, and I am finally getting it done. In the meantime, I have managed to effectively complete several other tasks – to avoid completing this one. Like, reorganizing my Christmas Card Mailing List, Alphabetically., even though it is January. Adding the two extra shelves in my office closet – that I was supposed to complete a week or so ago. Buying a new mop to clean the overly dusty floors – that are the result of my hubby working on rebuilding the kitchen he tore out by himself – yeah, he is a total taskmaster! The list goes on and on….. but I keep trying, and somehow, I manage to get it all done.
I hope this post helps you – it has helped me tremendously! (In Theory!)