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The COVID-19 Pandemic has stolen so much from so many people. It makes me sad.
So Many Events Canceled
My friend who has booked three trips to her favorite resort for the first time ever. And has had to cancel two of them. I am hoping she gets to go on the third trip at least!
My friend who was already so very lonely fell into a deep depression and ultimately died. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the limited social circle he had was completely cut off.
My niece who was excited to go on a school trip to Germany and saved all year for it. But it was canceled. The upside is, she has a lot of extra money for college.
My daughter who was super excited about a first time trip to Belize with her friends. It too was canceled.
Our annual fishing trip to Idaho with friends, canceled. We were lucky enough to go to Broken Bow, Oklahoma on the same dates, thank goodness! And learned how to throw hatchets at Thomahawks!

We Are Not Alone in This
So many people have lost so many things. It makes me sad.
Many people cannot work at restaurants, schools, sporting events, resorts, and so many more jobs that have been lost. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic touches everyone in one way or another. No matter who you are, where you live, or what you do, you have felt the enormous impact of COVID-19.
And, the media, just keeps stirring the pot of fear with outrageous headlines. Why? What are they trying to accomplish? How do we know what is true, made up, or actual any more? It’s all too much!
How Do We Turn it Around?
Why can’t the media find the positives and cover uplifting stories of people? We need positive input, especially during this difficult and trying time in our lives. Positive, uplifting good news, and truthful news. The fighting and bickering has got to stop.
My bubble of happiness is trying to crack and burst.
But, I will not allow this to break me. The COVID-19 pandemic will not steal everything from us. We have to fight back! We have to overcome these obstacles that the pandemic has thrown in our way. Positivity must prevail!
2020 was supposed to be “my year”. Meaning, the year I got to finally focus on my blog. My snowball had been getting bigger and bigger; I was eagerly anticipating my growth and opportunities. And yet, the COVID-19 pandemic has stolen it all away.
How? By taking my blog and making me feel “silly” talking about “normal” everyday life. Especially, when I know there are people out there that are seriously suffering. How can I simply talk about this recipe, or that food tip, or how to get a slime stain out of a raincoat?

Let’s Find and Choose Happiness!
I am a survivor of suicide, I can survive the COVID-19 pandemic! So, what does that look like? What tools do I have to use to keep my bubble solid, happy, and secure?

What makes me happy? All I have to do is look all around me.
Watching the squirrels, bunny rabbits, and birds eat the seed we put out each day. They have absolutely no idea what the COVID-19 pandemic is. Yet, their lives go on without a hitch. A small slice of normal which makes me so happy!
Seeing funny cloud formations – and the sunshine poking through them. Even rain is a welcome sight. It is summer in Texas after all, and rain is very important to all of us.

My Cannas finally blooming, and looking so amazingly beautiful!

Seeing children laugh, or greeting the clerks at the store. Or walking home from a morning swim from the neighborhood pool. “I did a bunch of cannonballs!” Says the four-year-old boy that was walked past us, heading home from the pool with his family.
Simple, Happy Little Things
Creating colorful facemasks, and finally getting a chance to sew some things I love. Bags for my kiddos, with fun colored zippers. Adding pockets to my shorts – who makes shorts without pockets or with fake pockets?!? What’s the point?
Joyfully visiting with friends via FaceTime, Zoom, or Facebook Video. And keeping in touch with friends all over the world through messenger, WhatsApp, and phone calls.
More Wonderful Things!
Taking my four and one-year-old grandsons swimming. And Colton, the four-year-old, saying, “Barrett will probably sink. If he does, I will have to go down and get him.” With the most serious look yet the goggles on his head make him look ridiculously serious!

A last minute trip booked to the beach, much needed to fill my soul with the sea air, calm waves, and sounds of seagulls as they flew overhead. Socially distancing, of course. But it still nourished my soul immensely.

Sharing blogging knowledge with a new friend who is new to blogging. And, has helped me to reignite my passion for blogging, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. All does not have to be lost!
Seeing PeePaw take Colton up to the green for the first time ever! He is absolutely in love with golf! We gave him a golf bag with clubs for his birthday. He is always asking if we want to see his “first shot”. This makes my heart so happy.

Connecting with so many family members thanks to the genealogy research I have posted on my blog. So many wonderful conversations and discoveries. I get so excited talking to these newly found cousins, that I can hardly breathe! And, I have to constantly tell myself to slow down!
History isn’t always Pretty….
Because of my genealogy research, I know that generations before us had similarly difficult situations they lived through. My father, at 84, remembers the great depression, World War II, and so many other difficult situations that he has lived through. Keywords, he lived through it. He made it through!
We can too! We can overcome the OVID-19 pandemic! Humans are resilient and social beings. Hugging will be allowed once again! There will be parties, picnics, vacations on crowded beaches, and lots of thankfulness for “normal” to be part of our lives again. We will make it too! And all will be good again!

Keep your happy bubble from cracking, look for the little things that make you happy. They are out there waiting for you to discover them and put a smile on your face. Heartwarming snapshots of positivity are all around us. You simply have to look!

And, please, if you are struggling, reach out to your loved one’s or the Suicide Hotline for help. They will be there for you, you are not burdening them with your troubles. This difficult time period will pass. You can do this!
We are truly all in this together, and together we will survive and crush our COVID-19 enemy for good.

Very inspiring post, Shez! xo
Thank you!!!!