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Wow, this year is quickly coming to a close. I can’t believe 2020 is almost here. With that in mind, I wanted to do a post with some of the Inspirational Quotes and Sayings I have created throughout the year.
Many times, they are inspired by actual events going on in my life. And sometimes, things just pop into my head.
Do Something Amazing!

So often we get caught up in the struggles of our daily lives. This popped into my head – and it just made so much sense to me. Every day is a gift – take the time to do something Amazing! Be Amazing!
Salt, Sand, and Suntans
Many of you know I LOVE the beach….. I mean, I LOVE IT! So, it was an unusually cold day here in North Texas, and I was missing my beloved Mexico! This particular beach is located in Cancun, at Live Aqua Beach Resort, my absolute favorite all-inclusive resort!

Your Journey is as Important as Your Destination
I often find that I get a little discouraged when it takes me longer to get somewhere. But, this year, I had an epiphany, a true Aha moment. I realized that there are things that you have to do and experience along the way to make sense of things when you reach your destination. In other words, don’t begrudge the lessons and learning along the way, they are there for a reason!

Learn the Art of Small Talk
I once got a job, a pretty big job actually, all because I visited with a co-worker in the coffee room. This led to a job interview, and a pretty neat title: Vice President. Keep it simple, keep it genuine, keep it honest, but learn to visit with folks. I believe we come into contact with specific people for a reason. Ask yourself why. Why did I meet Jay in the coffee room? A job most certainly, but a great friend for life! Jay, my dear friend, who I am still friends with to this day!
Several years later and we still get together for lunches to catch up on our families’ lives and adventures. Small talk…. learn how to do it!

Do One Thing, Every Day, that Scares You
I love this quote from Eleanor Roosevelt. It really spoke to me. Sometimes, we get in our little comfort zone of easy versus challenging. This woke me up and made me realize that I need to get “out there” more often. So, scare yourself today!

Life, You Never Know How Much Time You Have
I remembered this quote from a television series we watched several years ago, Mad Men. One of the scenes was the two main characters sitting at a bar and talking. (Of course, there is always a bar scene?) Anyway, they were talking about life and the quote was something along these lines. I thought it was pretty insightful. Live each day to the fullest! Always! Because you never know when it will end.

At the End of the Day, We All Just Want to Feel Loved
Several years ago, my sister, Shelly, said, “There is a 5-year-old inside each one of us. And all they want is to feel loved. Isn’t that something? We get so wrapped up in things people say or do, without taking the time to ask why. Or to wonder, what does someone really need to be happy.
Love, love is always the answer. So when you have that encounter with a family member or loved one who may not be so happy, don’t be mean. Do the loving thing and just be nice to them. It makes a world of difference living in a positive and loving environment. We are the driver of our own bus – make it a happy one!

Saying “No Offense”
This one always makes me laugh. Several years ago when my oldest, Jessica, was about 10 or 11, she learned this the hard way. I cannot remember exactly what she said, but I had to explain to her that saying “no offense” really didn’t do much to keep from hurting someone’s feelings. If you want to tell someone something, just say it nicely. And I mean, nicely!

Set a Goal, to Do One Thing Nice – Every Day
This is something I started doing a long time ago. I remember I was at a local grocery store, and the clerk looked at me and said, “Are you doing okay today?”. I thought about that question and how my attitude, appearance, and lack of smile must have looked to them. I realized that my “grumpy” self was not only on my inside but was being projected to all those around me. I made a vow that day to do one thing nice – open the door for someone, smile and be genuinely happy when shopping and interacting with folks I came into contact with. I especially made it a point to be a happy customer.
What I didn’t realize is that in addition to me being nice, I started to feel nice. To feel happy. And, I didn’t expect to have so many people be nice and happy back to me. More doors were opened, an umbrella was shared on a rainy day, a smile was granted to me. Life is a gift, people are a gift, love is a gift. Enjoy each day as a gift, and be happy!

If an Apology Includes the Word, “But”
This is a tough one. I know a lot of my friends probably wondered where this came from. Well, it had to do with something that happened to one of my daughters at work. They were very upset that something had happened, and the person eventually apologized. However, they said, “I’m sorry, but” as part of their apology.
I’m sorry, but, that doesn’t count! If you really are genuinely apologizing, you do not justify that your actions were right by saying “but”. Simply say, “I’m so sorry” and actually apologize for what you have done. And, yes, I discovered that I sometimes do this too. We are all human, we make mistakes, and apologizing is hard to do. But, it is also the only way to move forward and heal a broken relationship. Take ownership, genuinely apologize, and move on!

Always be Kind to Others – You Might Just Make Their Day
I absolutely adore this one! We took this picture in Cabo at the end of a fishing trip. The seals know that the boats have extra fish when they pull into the harbor. They literally jump onto the swim platform and “ask” for fish. Look how happy this seal was to get a fish! It made me think of the simple things in life that can make someone’s day so much brighter. A smile, a favor, a phone call. A simple kindness, like a leftover fish!

Be the Star that Shines as Bright as the Moon
The moon shined so brightly above our home. Always such a treat to see it as it changes shape all throughout the year. There was this really bright star that I was able to photograph one night, and it inspired me to create this quote. Be shiny! Be bright! Be Amazing!

Let Quality Be Your Signature
This is my absolute favorite quote! I worked for Fleet Mortgage, way back in 2000. Wow, remember the Y2k scare!?! Anyway, we had a board that quotes were written on each day. I am not sure where this quote originated, but it has stuck with me for years. Whenever you have something that you do, make sure that it is the Best that you can do. I always want to do my best work, as it represents me.
When someone knows I have worked on something, I want them to think, “Oh, Sherri did this? Then it is going to be done right.”. It’s just that simple, and just that important. Doing things the right way takes just as much time or in many cases less time than doing things the wrong way. So, always let quality be your signature! You are represented by your work and the things you do!

I Know I Need to Stop Making Excuses
Okay, if I am being totally honest here, which I am, this is all about me! I discovered that I seem to have an excuse for EVERYTHING! This allows me to procrastinate, not do something I should be doing, or especially avoid doing something challenging. Like, hmmmmm…. diet, exercise, write, clean, plan, prepare, work, etc. The list goes on and on and on and on! So, my new mantra is – Stop Making Excuses and Just Get to It! Try it, it may seem scary, but the endorphins you get from getting things done and accomplished are way better than the guilt you feel from making excuses!

Please Excuse Any Typos
When we decided to sell our house, we hired a realtor, Linda Jackson, with Ebby Halliday. As a busy lady, she gets a lot of texts, phone calls and emails each day. Keeping up with everything tends to be a tough job. So, I thought it was really clever that she had this “disclaimer” on each of her emails: “Please excuse any unintended typos … “. I simply took it a step further, as many of my friends know, I do love my wine! I try not to send emails when I have been wining and dining, but it does happen occasionally. And for that, I apologize in advance! LOL!

Always Remember that God Puts You Where You Need to Be
This is something I truly believe. Several years ago, when my daughter, Jessica was trying to determine what college to go to, she was worried. She said, “What if I don’t go to the right one?” I assured her that the one she went to would be the place where she was supposed to be. Who knew that her path would take her from Dallas to Connecticut, to Santa Barbara, and finally back to Dallas, A stop at a hairdressing school, marriage, two kids, and eventually as a single mother she ultimately graduated from West Texas A&M.
And, you know what? That was exactly the path she was supposed to take. Each experience, each twist and turn, each heartbreak and happiness, it was all part of God’s plan for her. So, don’t question it, just believe it. Know that you are doing what you are meant to do. And know, that you are exactly where you need to be.

There’s Nothing Better than Snuggling with Your Best Friend
I adore cats, they are so cute and cuddly. And, when we lost our sweet cat, “Kitty”, our kids thought we should adopt these two sweeties. Unfortunately, my husband, Todd, is allergic to cats. So, we are a cat-free home, for now…. maybe sometime in the future, we will get another cat. (I hope so!)
At any rate, this cute picture made me think about love and friendship. And I literally wanted to climb into the photo and snuggle with these two. Take the time to snuggle with your loved ones. Hugs are one of the most wonderful things in the world!

I hope you have enjoyed these, I have certainly enjoyed creating them and reliving the wonderful memories I experienced writing this post.

Hi Sherri! Thanks a lot for joining me!
Great blog! Have a wonderful 2020!
Thank you! You too!!