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Olathe Sweet Corn, it is not just a name, it is a variety of corn grown in Olathe, Colorado. And, it is the corn I look forward to eating each August! As some of you know, I grew up in Kansas, and Olathe, Kansas was pretty close to my hometown. A discovery made while writing this post; Olathe, Colorado was actually named after Olathe, Kansas!
A Little Bit of History
The town of Olathe, Colorado was established in 1882 and incorporated in 1907. The Railroad sent a man to be the railway agent of the section, which was named Colorow in 1896. However, the Post Office was named Brown. This was causing quite a bit of confusion, as they were located in the same town. The town folks also discovered that the Ute Indian Chief, for which the section was named, was actually a renegade Comanche Indian and a horse thief. They called a town meeting and voted to rename the town Olathe, as suggested by the new railway agent. The agent was originally from; you guessed it, Olathe Kansas!

A Monumental Discovery
I first discovered Olathe Sweet Corn when we lived in Denver, Colorado from 1995-1999. Corn on the cob is a favorite summer dish, for most people, but especially for me. I have very fond memories of corn from my youth, mostly due to growing up in Kansas. As you drive around the state of Kansas, you can see cornfields all around the countryside. Seeing corn on the cob at the grocery store is not unusual in summer, and since we enjoy eating it, I bought some. Imagine my surprise when I cooked and served this magnificent corn. It was the juiciest, sweetest, most flavorful corn I have ever had in my entire life (and I am in my 50s)!
August Anticipation
Years and years have gone by since we lived in Denver, but I eagerly anticipate the appearance of the Olathe Sweet Corn each August. I was ecstatic to find that my local Kroger and Whole Foods carry this delightful corn. I also discovered that Whole Foods had it while on a trip to Kansas City last August. My daughter and I had spent some time with my siblings, and it was our turn to buy dinner. So, we headed to the local Whole Foods and were thrilled to see the Olathe Sweet Corn in the produce aisle. Obviously, I had to get that for my siblings – especially since my sister, Julie’s, husband Mark grew up in Colorado.
A New Set of Fans
Imagine my shock when he said he had never heard of it! Although, I must say this could be because the Olathe Sweet Corn Festival has just this year celebrated their 25th anniversary. That and I must add that Mark hasn’t lived in Colorado for a very long time. In any case, the siblings all enjoyed the wonderful flavor of this particular sweet corn. Every year, Olathe, Colorado holds this annual festival the first Saturday in August. I am planning to put that on my bucket list, as it looks like everyone has a great time, listening to music, eating corn and other foods, and just having a fun day!
Did You Know
Sweet corn is one of the most delicious items to eat raw! Especially when you are hot, going thru a corn maze, and end up in the center with an ice-cold cooler full of freshly picked corn! I had no idea how good it was until my Mom took my girls and me thru a corn maze in the Kansas Countryside. If you ever get the opportunity, take a bite of this delicious corn freshly husked. The juicy and tenderness of this sweet corn will amaze you!